Tuesday 19 June 2007

Newton and the Mystery of the Moustache Twirl

You are surrounded on all sides by thugs, each equipped with the highly advanced weaponry characteristic of the typical Bollywood henchmen, ranging from hockey sticks to cycle chains. What would you do? Run for your life? Call the cops? That’s probably why you’re not one of India’s biggest stars. The answer is elementary… All you have to do is twirl your moustache (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIz5pDMgS8k). Now, why didn’t I think of that? No wonder people keep complaining that IITians are technically dumb.

Here are a few more eye-openers:

· http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1lahm1IgZo : It’s Captain, again. Why bother with bullet-proofs when you can frown.
· http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_to_3zAhBf0 : To think, there are people still worried about the energy crisis. Who needs petrol, when we have, ‘Jai channakesava!’
· Sunny Deol in Gadar: I couldn’t find this on youtube, so I’m hoping you’ve watched the movie beforehand. Sunny is driving a truck, and oops, he’s crashed into a car and there’s a huge explosion. No sweat, the car’s gone, but the truck’s safe. The petrol in the car’s gas tank must have fuelled it. Oh no, he has crashed again, and it’s a vegetable cart this time. Another explosion? Err…well, I guess why Mommy made such a fuss about veggies.

Absurd, gibberish, nonsense…. My initial reaction was somewhere in between shame and outrage. I spent the next few hours grumbling about Bollywood, Kollywood and every other ‘wood’ I had heard of. Questions like, what kind of an image would this create about our country in the minds of foreigners, kept irking me.

However, with further thought came a sense of clarity as well as pride. I finally realized that we probably had the best film industry in the world. Come to think of it- the primary purpose behind making movies is to entertain, and a 20 second 'Captain' video is as funny as an entire episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Newton would probably have hung himself had he ever watched any of these videos, a friend of mine comments. Well, probably, yes, but I doubt if he himself could have suppressed a grin.


Saurabh said...

nice entry !
how can you miss 'if you come today' and 'love me or hate me' when talking about this ??
and why all this now ? seen "SIVAJI,THE Boss" is it ?

Saurabh said...
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Withered said...

My sentiments, exactly. By the way, how much did you dole out for 'Sivaji'?

Prondi said...

Nice post.. how come you forgot rajnikanth and the blade incident...

and pls go and watch Sivaji...want to know how it is..from a true maddu..

Anonymous said...

i wanted to mention those two masterpieces as well but, at that point of time, i was in a city where i would have been burnt alive had i one so....

@ the perfectionist& prondy
vijaykanth n rajnikanth r both dark, they both sport moustaches but THEY ARE 2 different guys....
sivaji the boss is the classiest movie ever made.....

the blade incident was in sum damn 50-50 ad......

Prondi said...

Dela, i didn't pay that guy anything, but it was one of the first blogs he read and i told him ho w to blog, thats why he was in 'awe'

Withered said...

You've still not told me how much were you robbed of. Also, I've activated an older blogger account of mine.....find the link on my page

The Decayed Canine said...

Dude. If you fear for your life, don't ever insult the king again with your petty sarcasm. Matty might be listening. You never know these days...

Saagar said...

and you've been tagged.
check my blog for details.

Anonymous said...

@the perfectionist
300 bucks....but it was worth every penny

@the canine
matty is too busy with cat to bother about going thru blogs....